The iconic PAC-MAN has made a striking debut in Tokyo, captivating both locals and tourists at the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building. As part of the ongoing “TOKYO Night & Light” projection mapping initiative, the famous video game character is showcased in a vibrant light and sound display, which has attracted approximately 350,000 visitors since its launch in February 2024.
The new multimedia artwork, titled “PAC-MAN eats TOKYO,” began screening on September 28, coinciding with the character’s upcoming 45th anniversary next year. The unveiling saw PAC-MAN himself making a special appearance at the Tokyo Metropolitan Plaza, where excited crowds gathered for a photo session, highlighting the draw of popular cultural content in the city.
The “TOKYO Night & Light” show, which utilises cutting-edge projection mapping technology, features a dynamic game board projected onto the facade of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building. Viewers can watch as PAC-MAN navigates the board, gobbling up digital objects while accompanied by a futuristic soundtrack composed by Sasuke Haraguchi, known for his affinity with the game’s music style.
This projection mapping initiative was launched to enhance night-time tourism in Tokyo, a city that ranks third overall for global city power but struggles with nightlife appeal, sitting at 30th place. According to the 2023 Global Power City Index, the nighttime economy in cities like London and New York is estimated to be worth over 2 trillion yen, a potential economic boost that Tokyo hopes to replicate through innovative attractions like this.
The “TOKYO Night & Light” project has quickly become a popular night-time destination, drawing up to 10,000 visitors on particularly busy days. The Tokyo Metropolitan Government aims to revitalise the city’s night-time economy by offering high-quality artistic displays that leverage world-leading technology, alongside internationally recognised characters like PAC-MAN.
In addition to enhancing the tourist experience, the project aims to position Tokyo as a competitive player in the global night-time tourism market. The authorities believe that developing such unique attractions can significantly enhance the city’s appeal to both local residents and international visitors.
The PAC-MAN projection mapping is part of a broader effort by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government to create new tourist assets that enliven the city’s night-time scene. Visitors can enjoy the high artistic quality and innovative content of the display, which serves to illuminate the Tokyo night sky with vibrant colours and dynamic visuals.
For those interested in experiencing this captivating fusion of art and technology, more details about the schedule and additional attractions can be found on the project’s official website.
As Tokyo continues to evolve and innovate its offerings, the introduction of PAC-MAN in this projection mapping show represents a significant step towards boosting the city’s night-time tourism potential and enriching the overall visitor experience in one of the world’s most vibrant capitals.